Foundation Sponsors “Medical Roundtable” for 10 Season and over 130 Episodes

In the spring of 1987, the Foundation launched a new program to help provide health and wellness information to the community. Each month starting that spring, the Foundation would produce a “public service announcement” on a topic like nutrition, swim & water safety, the importance of immunizations, and stress management which would be distributed to all the radio stations in Oregon.

From the 1992 season of Medical Roundtable

While we don’t have records of just how many of these radio PSA’s were produced, at the May 1987 Board of Director’s meeting, the Foundation agreed to sponsor a new Cable-TV program called Medical Roundtable. Over the next 10 years over 130 episodes were produce featuring a host and a guest physician, who was almost always a DO.

Foundation President Dr. Heatherington from season 2 talking about the unique aspects of osteopathic medicine.

The original concept for the program came from J. Gordon Betts DO who filmed a pilot show on Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS). For many years, the show was hosted by Jan Weathers RN who had a background in hosting other shows on cable tv. The episodes were shown several times each season on over 15 public access channels in Oregon and off and on in both Washington and Idaho.