Remy Annecy Arnot hails out of Montana and is a fourth-year medical student at the Pacific Northwest University of Health Sciences College of Osteopathic Medicine. Remy is the recipient of one of the new Foundation’s new Diversity Scholarships supporting LGBTQ+ healthcare.
William J. Elliott, MD, Ph.D., wrote this about Remy, “I have been very favorably impressed by Remy’s personal traits, diligence, work ethic, self-improvement, academic and clinical prowess during the 3+ years that I have known her, and predict that she will be one of the PNWU graduates who best fulfill the institution’s mission, as she plans to return and provide primary care to her fellow Montanans after graduation.
“Dr. Arnot is a caring, quiet, warm, humble, joyful, and inquisitive young woman.
“In 2021, she was appointed the medical student member of the Board of Directors for the Montana Academy of Family Physicians, as well as the PNWU Sit Liaison for Greater Montana, and the PNWU representative to the nationwide ‘Bridging the Next Generation of Academic Physicians’, where she participated in arranging contracts for medical schools to send students to hospitals and physician offices in both Oregon and Montana. She has been a frequent contributor to the PNWU Health Blog, as well as The New Physician. “
Remy had this to say in her application for consideration, “My commitment to my patients extends beyond physical wellness, to the spiritual and mental level—”the trilogy” which A.T Stills described at the dawn of osteopathy. This is fundamental to me. Therefore, my care will include addressing gender and sexuality in my patients. When I ask a queer presenting patient what their preferred pronouns are, and they visibly relax, I am creating a safe space for that individual. True healing requires safety and trust; that is my aim for my relationship with my patients.”
Remy, you are indeed the best of us. We look forward to witnessing your rise in the medical community. Job well done.