Andrew (Andy) Boyer, hails from the great state of Montana. He is a second year medical student and attends Western University of Health Sciences COMP-NW. Andy is the recipient of the Shirley Carpenter Endowment Scholarship award.
Andy served on a missions trip while attending college and states that this experience helped shape him and gave him a new perspective when it comes to the term “community”.
He began to realize the impact being an Osteopathic Doctor could have on not only the community surrounding him at home, but the larger community around the world. Andy saw that the need was great, and the resources few. His passion to serve in underserved populations came to life during this time of his life.
After landing at COMP-NW, Andy became a member of the Lifestyle Medicine track, in order to understand how to lead a truly healthy lifestyle and help others do the same. He would like to be able to teach future patients how to live a healthy life that doesn’t require prescriptions.
Andy received some strong recommendations for this award. Here’s what Edie Sperling, an Assistant Professor in Anatomy had to say about him: “Andy is an excellent student and a wonderful person. He has a wisdom beyond his years and a perspective that medical students don’t often have in their first two years. He is passionate about the preventative side of medicine and wants to return to Montana to practice”.
Andy would like to eventually work with high school athletes, college athletes, and adults who want to become healthier. “Health is a spectrum. I want to help anyone who isn’t healthy and wants to be”. In doing so, he hopes to prevent injuries and health crises in all areas of life: body, mind, and spirit. It’s his mission.
Congratulations, Andy, the Foundation looks forward to following you on your journey…job well done.