Foundation Board of Director
Position Description
The Board of Directors consists of 12 individuals from across the states of Alaska, Idaho, Montana, Oregon, and Washington who are committed to promoting the unique qualities of osteopathic medicine through public awareness and physician education. While the majority of the Board are osteopathic physicians (DOs), we also actively recruit professionals outside the osteopathic profession to help us with our mission, programs, and board governance issues. Board positions are strictly volunteer, but the staff has an Executive Director to manage the day-to-day operation of the Foundation.
The Board has an Executive Committee and Internal Affairs and External Affairs Teams. Every Board member is asked to participate on one team, which meets three times throughout the year via Zoom. The Board meets twice a year including one full Saturday meeting in Portland or Seattle. So the time commitment is four, 90-minute Board / Team meetings and one full Saturday each year. Preparation for each meeting is approximately 60 minutes to review material provided about one week before each meeting.
The Internal Affairs Team is responsible for monitoring the Foundation’s investments, budget, technology, and human resources. Quarterly meetings include a report from the Foundation’s investment advisor.
The External Affairs Team is responsible for assisting with fundraising and overseeing Foundation programs. Our main program is tuition scholarships for osteopathic medical students and we work to raise about $50,000 a year to supplement spending from our investments.
As almost all of our meetings are on the Zoom platform, Board members must be comfortable with using this technology as well as accessing board resources through our website using the Dropbox platform.
Board members are required to be a sustaining member of the Foundation which is $100 per year and are encouraged to financially support our scholarship program through our monthly donation program.
Interested individuals should contact Interim Executive Director David Walls at 503.592.7376 or